TradeTech is an ecommerce solution built for Ghanaian phone dealers to help them sell their products online and solve the problems that come with using social media platforms like WhatsApp and Facebook to sell their products.
TradeTech is an ecommerce solution built for Ghanaian phone dealers to help them sell their products online and solve the problems that come with using social media platforms like WhatsApp and Facebook to sell their products.
Tailwind CSS
TradeTech is a project I built to solve the problems that come with using social media platforms like WhatsApp and Facebook to sell products. I built this project to demonstrate my understanding of building full stack applications. I used NextJS for the frontend and NodeJS for the backend. I also used MongoDB for the database. I used Tailwind CSS for styling. I also used Figma to design the UI/UX. I used Vercel Hosting to host the frontend and Render to host the backend.